Scores and Comments

West Volusia Historical Society, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score637.000
Average Score91.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Baker Tiffany 37 28 19 10 94
Colvin Richard D. 35 26 18 8 87
johnson jeremy 36 25 17 7 85
Nagy Rebecca 36 28 18 10 92
Santiago Caroline 40 30 20 10 100
Tomor Michael 36 26 20 7 89
Wilson Jennifer 36 27 18 9 90


Baker Tiffany - Score: 94.000

Tangible goals and objectives outlined in the project scope, and the institution's mission and objectives are clear and achievable.

Proposed programming and exhibits are robust for an organization its size--the topics appear to be diverse which should attract new audiences.

Very clear impact statement and marketing and development plans. Evaluation plan appears complete and accounts for various tools currently available.

Colvin Richard D. - Score: 87.000
{No comments provided.}
johnson jeremy - Score: 85.000
{No comments provided.}
Nagy Rebecca - Score: 92.000

With a part-time salaried director and many dedicated volunteers, the WVHS offers extensive programs that reach diverse audiences and are highly valued by the community and outside visitors. Partnerships are strong and contribute to fiscal stability, as do a good track-record of receiving grants and some earned income. As grant support for the director’s salary is sought, it is important to have a long-term plan for increasing funding after the grant period ends.

Santiago Caroline - Score: 100.000
Incredible what they have accomplished on such a shoe-string budget. They are managing multiple facilities!
Tomor Michael - Score: 89.000

he West Volusia Historical Society is requesting funding as a match for one Executive Director position to manage and coordinate the Henry A. DeLand House Museum, Robert M. Conrad Educational Center and the 8 galleries at the DeLand Memorial Hospital Museum and Military Museum Complex.  The Executive Director is in charge of overseeing, with various standing committees, the goals and objectives in place for WVHS in order to fulfill the mission to memorialize the area historical record through oral histories, archival collections, and educational outreach. Their goals and objectives are in place to carry out the plan.  It would have been helpful to understand more about how they secure and store their 7000 plus collection objects. Impact seems to be measurable and they are reaching and tracking their constituents.  They have modest marketing in place and keep their community and members informed. Finding matching funds for this new position for Frank Johnson, but director's positions should not be contingent on receipt of grant funds for sustainability. Since the administrative line item of $25K must be the amount for the director's position, and a projection is in place for $36K for the next fiscal year, the question is why are they planning to contribute less funds towards the director's position - they are asking the DCA for $20K of this salary with a lesser match. The budget otherwise seems solid with little variable from last year to this year and then next year.  Greater effort should be made to make the 2nd floor accessible to those visiting the museum, rather than settling on a video summary.

Wilson Jennifer - Score: 90.000

The organization's new director has both a challenge - especially in the number of properties and programs under his management - and an opportunity. But preserving the history of our communities is such a vital undertaking, and your hiring a director indicates your commitment to that goal. Hope to see you work on accessibility on the second floor of the House, though accessibility can be challenging and expensive in historic properties.