Scores and Comments

City of Palatka

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score553.000
Average Score79.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Baker Tiffany 31 23 17 9 80
Colvin Richard D. 33 25 15 8 81
johnson jeremy 34 24 15 8 81
Nagy Rebecca 30 25 16 10 81
Santiago Caroline 32 23 15 10 80
Tomor Michael 24 23 12 9 68
Wilson Jennifer 32 25 16 9 82


Baker Tiffany - Score: 80.000

More information regarding the role of each partner as well as additional details in the Goals, Objectives, and Activities would better illustrate the way that the traveling exhibit program will function and be sustained following the creation of the exhibits. How will the schedule be developed? Who will be responsible for the traveling? How will the schools be prioritized, etc. What grade levels and why?

Because Palatka is a REDI community, the impact regardless of number is significant. Again, further details related to marketing are needed. How will there be teacher and school buy-in? Why is radio the appropriate marketing format for a school-based product?

Evaluation activities are limited. Tying the content to the current curriculum is key, but how will the effectiveness of the exhibits be evaluated after? Results of graded classroom instruction? Overall improved test scores? Post-visit/instruction surveys from students, teachers, or administrators?



Colvin Richard D. - Score: 81.000
{No comments provided.}
johnson jeremy - Score: 81.000
{No comments provided.}
Nagy Rebecca - Score: 81.000

Description of exhibitions and activity sheets is sketchy; no specific number to be developed cited. However, sample installations and interpretive materials provided are excellent, indicating that the Center can deliver. Good list of partners but no details on how they collaborate. No discussion of economic impact. Good outreach to economically distressed students and adults but marketing plan not fully developed. Fiscal stability seems good so long as city remains supportive. No plan is given for evaluation of program although adherence to state standards is mentioned.

Santiago Caroline - Score: 80.000
Attendance is low. Budget seems to have so little invested in existing programming and marketing of that programming, that to create a traveling exhibit program does not seem to be the next logical step. I'd rather see the funding invested entirely in school programs and marketing.
Tomor Michael - Score: 68.000
The St. Johns River Center is dedicated to showcasing the unique and varied ecosystems of the St. Johns River as well as the local history, culture, and commerce of the Greater Palatka area. They want to put together traveling exhibitions and take them to the schools in order to bring educational opportunities to the students of Putnam County and the surrounding areas. Goals, Partnerships, Timeline are brief as is the collections description.  Not much information to go on to determine much of anything.  Especially with the collections, I'm assuming is the content from which the traveling exhibitions will be created?  How small is small? I find the Excellence area to be Fair to Weak in its descriptors. Impact - I want to know more about how the impact will be achieved with what types of exhibitions - what type of classes or curriculum will the exhibits match? Have the schools requested such activities? Not clear on the administrative costs of this program - $65K total admin personnel costs?  Is this one person? Is it part of a division of people?  There is simply not enough information to discern who is running this and how the City staff contribute. Attachments are not outlining the project and do not really help understand what the traveling exhibits will contain, however the curriculum samples appear complete.  Unfortunately, they do not really reference collections/exhibitions that I am aware of.  It's hard to know whether the exhibits themselves are ADA compliant, as there is no reference to visual, auditory, tactile or sensory sensitivity to the proposed audience of students. 
Wilson Jennifer - Score: 82.000

You are to be commended for working to take hands on curriculum into the schools, especially given the dearth of funding for bussing etc. It would be helpful to have detailed description of proposal activities and a true evaluation plan, and planning seems a bit haphazard. Your materials speak far better of your capabilities than your proposal.