Scores and Comments

Florida Storytelling Association, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score456.000
Average Score76.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Bucuvalas Tina 15 10 17 8 50
Drummond Shelly 32 27 16 10 85
Fromm Annette 25 20 10 10 65
Palkhivala Tania 33 23 16 10 82
Siegel Virginia 33 26 18 9 86
Stinson Craig 35 25 18 10 88


Bucuvalas Tina - Score: 50.000

This has almost nothing to do with traditional arts--it is presenting storytelling as a form of popular theater, not traditional storytelling. With only a couple exceptions that I can see (Windell Campbell did do a John Henry story--which may or may not still be traditional in his community; I am not sure that John Henry stories still are frequently told or whether he learned it from a book), artists are not coming from a folk community or folk tradition. 

In considering this, we should examine some statements from artist and workshop descriptions:

" Using a variety of theater games and storytelling exercises, you will mine your story for the psychological motivations and depth "

"Storytelling, as oral communication in a social narrative format, is the foundation for skills in and appreciation of language arts; these skills are essential across curricular studies, as well as for success in lifelong learning and career pursuits. Through interactive story models, group interactions and wordplay, reflection and discussion (as time permits), we will play with the work of nurturing, reinforcing and creative utilization of language arts skills in the classroom."

"Ingrid holds a Masters Degree in Storytelling from East Tennessee State University."

And this introduction to the festival also implies that many if not most stories are not traditional:

"Storytelling Etiquette

While the art of sharing stories is encouraged, respect for the storytellers and their work is expected.

A storyteller’s original stories are copyrighted property. It is unethical and illegal to tell another person’s original stories without permission of the storyteller/author. This includes personal and family stories as well as original versions of folklore.

Published stories and poetry are copyrighted but those published before 1923 are now in Public Domain and may be told by anyone. In certain settings (schools, libraries) copyrighted works may be shared under Fair Use.

Always ensure that you have the proper permissions to tell a story that is not your original work."

And here is the state definition of folklife/folklore/folk arts: “Folklife” means the traditional expressive culture shared within the various groups in Florida: familial, ethnic, occupational, religious, and regional. Expressive culture includes a wide range of creative and symbolic forms such as custom, belief, technical skill, language, literature, art, architecture, music, play, dance, drama, ritual, pageantry, and handicraft, which forms are generally learned orally, by imitation, or in performance and are maintained or perpetuated without formal instruction or institutional direction.

The applicant claims that among the population benefiting, no race was more than 25% white. According to the US Census, in 2016 the estimated population of Lake County was 84.1% white, 10.8 black, 2.3% Asian, 14.7% Latino, etc.  They also serve Seminole and Orange counties, which are 79.9% and 68.3% white, 20.4% and 30.5% Latino respectively.  Because the white non-Latino population predominates, they should justify their assertions. Also, the support materials showed me only a couple black artists and a white audience.

In rating excellence and impact, I have examined whether they achieved those in terms of traditional arts.  Overall, this type of storytelling should be included in the theater or literary category, not traditional arts.

Drummond Shelly - Score: 85.000

While storytelling can be a traditional art, not all the artists presented in this proposal represent traditional arts.   

The inclusion of ASL interpreters through a partnership with DeafTalk, Inc. is excellent.  

Fromm Annette - Score: 65.000
This is a difficult proposal to review.  Storytelling has moved from the realm of folk or traditional art to performance art. In addition, the majority of the speakers are national performers coming the Mount Dora from out of state rather than Florida-based people. This is a well-established, seemingly well attended annual event in a lovely part of the state.  I do not feel the grant proposal addresses the administrative abilities of the organization except that a successful event has been sustained for such a long time.
Palkhivala Tania - Score: 82.000

It is unclear how four of five of the stated objectives are measurable. The application indicates they will be expanded, but there is no indication of how much and over what benchmark.

Is the growth from $40,468 in your "Last Completed Fiscal Year" to $66,790 in the proposed 2019 project year sustainable? Have you had such significant growth in the previous 33 year history? It is unclear how you project such significant growth in a three year period and how you would sustain it into the future.

Siegel Virginia - Score: 86.000
The inclusion and promotion of Florida artists is a particular strength of this application, as is the promotion and partnerships with local storytelling groups. Just a note regarding accessibility, historic structures are not exempt from Americans with Disabilities Act. Though there are provisions that exist to help historic structures find ways of complying without threatening their significance, this does not mean that there isn't room in your application for a more detailed reflection on the ways the facility is accessible, apart from venue staff's willingness to willing to help on case-by-case basis.
Stinson Craig - Score: 88.000
I like this proposal.  Very cool.