Scores and Comments

African Caribbean Dance Theatre, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score551.000
Average Score91.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Bucuvalas Tina 38 29 19 8 94
Drummond Shelly 37 27 18 10 92
Fromm Annette 35 28 18 8 89
Palkhivala Tania 40 24 18 10 92
Siegel Virginia 37 27 19 10 93
Stinson Craig 35 28 19 9 91


Bucuvalas Tina - Score: 94.000

Overall, excellent project and stellar artists.

Since they are using state facilities, there is some question in my mind as to whether they or the facilities should be completing the 504 checklist--really I think it should be the facilities, and they probably do.  Otherwise, their accessibility efforts seem very good.

Drummond Shelly - Score: 92.000
Excellent program, activities and partnerships. I appreciate your visitor impact numbers and development of a Social Media campaign. 
Fromm Annette - Score: 89.000
Very well-thought out and well-established program with excellent support from local organizations.
Palkhivala Tania - Score: 92.000

One of the identified goals is to increase African cultural activities for the Florida community at-large, but I cannot find any language about your statewide outreach efforts. They seem to be limited to a more local area and into southern Georgia. I was surprised not to find any identified relationships with any of the Africana or African American studies programs with the major universities outside of Tallahassee.

Given the length of time of the festival, have you been able to track feedback from repeat participants? Do you have current participants who are now adults but started participating as children? This would be quite compelling in terms of long-term impact.

Your wheelchair dance class is a wonderful idea.

Siegel Virginia - Score: 93.000

This event's attention to the interrelationship between culture and health is compelling and adds a sophisticated dynamic to the programming. Excellent range of programming offered throughout the festival. Excellent attention to inclusion and accessibility. 

An area that could be significantly strengthened: the "Traditional Arts" discipline, as defined in the grant guidelines, stresses projects that preserve and present traditional arts of cultural groups in Florida, especially those traditional cultural expressions shared within communities (in Florida). While it is certainly valuable to include internationally recognized artists (and aspire to increase this by 30%), this should always remain in balance with seeking to increase the presence of performers who are from Florida and from the specific localized communities you intend to benefit from the project, such as the Florida companies noted under educational components. This may be something that event organizers consider as part of your objective to increase artists for Festival Concert by 50%, but it does not seem prioritized and is not highlighted as a specific objective on its own.

Stinson Craig - Score: 91.000

I like the project.  Nice that they have NEA support.  

Seems like a project that could use a dedicated development person for corporate relations and membership development.  Lots of potential for diversified funding.