Scores and Comments

Pioneer Settlement for the Creative Arts, Inc

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score456.000
Average Score76.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Bucuvalas Tina 20 15 10 7 52
Drummond Shelly 27 26 15 7 75
Fromm Annette 30 25 18 10 83
Palkhivala Tania 35 28 15 10 88
Siegel Virginia 30 26 19 8 83
Stinson Craig 20 26 19 10 75


Bucuvalas Tina - Score: 52.000

Living history or historical reenactment is not the same as traditional culture or folklife, which is a living cultural tradition.  Unless they specifically have someone present who grew up with and practiced a tradition, it generally cannot be considered folklife. This application should be in the historical museum category for programming.

They claim to serve Miami-Dade. That seems somewhat unlikely, given the distance--though perhaps a few people came.  In making these claims, perhaps applicants should present a breakdown of attendance for the last several years.

I don't seen anyone on staff or board with background in folklife or history, same goes for letters of support.  In terms of the artists, the only one that was apparently a real tradition bearer was Jim Corbet for turpentining.  If there are other tradition bearers, then they need to document their history with the tradition in order to be considered for a grant.

In formulating the evaluations, I have looked at the criteria in terms of excellence, impact, etc. in terms of traditional culture, folklife, or folk arts.

Drummond Shelly - Score: 75.000

The proposal does not address the traditional arts qualifications of the demonstrators or the program.  

There are concerns in the budgeting. Specifically the proposed request and cash match for programmatic demonstrators is not represented in the proposed operating budget.


Fromm Annette - Score: 83.000

This organization has demonstrations during weekdays for school field trips. Are the Saturday programs on the 1st or 2nd Saturday; this seemed unclear.

They are asking for funding for an interesting project at a well-established venue.  They propose to use the funding to bring in 2 additional demonstrators, but what skills will the new demonstrators bring that represent Florida traditional culture.  Old timey does not necessarily equal folklife

Palkhivala Tania - Score: 88.000

It is unclear what your measurable objective is in the text. To what degree do you hope to expand your program and over what benchmark?

The timeline does not indicate over what period your general programming takes place. Your application addresses "demonstration in the traditional arts on the grounds every day we are open" but does not indicate when you are open.

You may consider using the Arts & Economic Prosperity Calculator to help articulate economic impact for future applications.

You mention 80 music performances over your two 2-day special living history events, but in a previous section, you indicate only two artists will be directly involved in your general programming. This is incongruous.

Your budget for General Program Support drops from $507,710 in 17/18 to $50,000 in 18/19. Even though you propose applying the grant toward two part-time positions, you should have provided your overall projected for the 18/19 year which I imagine would $557,710 (by adding your 17/18 budget and the two new positions together).

Siegel Virginia - Score: 83.000
The applicant's strengths are clear concerning management and educational impact. It is clear that the applicant has the capacity to carry out the proposed activities. The applicant also demonstrates concern and plans for increasing accessibility.  However, this is a grant in the traditional arts category, which implies a living community that continues to pass traditional arts on, not historical presentations or recreations.  Depending on the demonstrators hired, this may or may not include traditional artists who demonstrate traditional arts that they have learned in their community (as defined in the grant guidelines for "Traditional Arts").  A blacksmith, for example, may be able to provide historical context but also be an active member in a contemporary, living folk group of blacksmiths.  A demonstrator giving historical information about medicinal practices that they have learned from historical resources and not from a living community or folk group, however, would not meet this definition.  The application would benefit from reflection and clarification in this area.  There is room for both types of programming in a museum as described in this application, however providing specifics about the type of demonstrators to be hired will indicate whether or not the proposed demonstrators and programs for this particular grant will meet the definition of traditional arts.
Stinson Craig - Score: 75.000

Questions about approach to living history by Traditional Arts program.  Not opposed to it, but no indication of if they plan to interpret tradition in contemporary context.  

Question about budget:  Revenue Other is high relative to other sources.  Is that rental income?  What is that?  

Question:  Are part time demonstrators blacksmiths?  I am making that assumption because of mention with partnership with blacksmith association, but I can't find that it's directly addressed?  What type of art and who are the artists?  Names, bio, etc.   

Too many questions about what this is funding.