Scores and Comments

Cuban Classical Ballet of Miami, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score438.000
Average Score87.600

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Andree Dale 34 26 16 10 86
Davis Tenaj 40 25 20 10 95
Jenkins David 37 24 16 9 86
Klein Kathleen 38 25 18 10 91
Schnell Adam 32 24 16 8 80


Andree Dale - Score: 86.000
important to see work of choreographers mentioned in grant, there is no salary for company dancers in the budget only for guest artists, also no salary included for choreographers, it's not completely clear whether this is a professional company with guest artists or a company comprised of students with guest artists
Davis Tenaj - Score: 95.000
{No comments provided.}
Jenkins David - Score: 86.000

Perhaps I am just confused by the use of "Gala." Are these fundraisers where the dance is just a part of a larger event? There is no description for these, either.

I do not see real goals, objectives and activities. You repeat the same exact copy in Timeline?

The more hard numbers that you can provide a reader in an area like Proposal Impact, the better for you. Same for your Marketing and Promotion. How many buys? What kind of reach? What are your SM engagement numbers? What are your list sizes? How do you plan on specifically reaching new attendees?



Klein Kathleen - Score: 91.000
Schnell Adam - Score: 80.000
Please watch your proof reading and grammar usage. Almost immediately (in your proposal synopsis), I was taken aback by the amount of errors. I would have appreciated video footage of the company performing included in support materials. Additionally, I feel as though much more could be done in terms of outreach and education initiatives. Formalizing some of your donated ticket programs and doing a better job explaining exactly how you reach diverse audiences would have helped.