Scores and Comments

Academy of Ballet Arts, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score459.000
Average Score91.800

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Andree Dale 38 30 20 10 98
Davis Tenaj 38 30 20 10 98
Jenkins David 36 25 19 10 90
Klein Kathleen 35 25 18 8 86
Schnell Adam 35 26 17 9 87


Andree Dale - Score: 98.000
I would like to have seen a list of outside artists that have come in and those who they are proposing for this grant.  It also doesn't appear that they included those cost in their projected fiscal year budget under Outside Fees: Programmatic. This is an excellent organization and has proved itself over the 48 years of their existence. The addition of the Adaptive Dance Program is very impressive.
Davis Tenaj - Score: 98.000

Excellence:I see collaborations, but little under the bolded heading  ‘Partnerships’

Jenkins David - Score: 90.000

The program sound wonderful, I would just like a bit more tangible/accountable goals. Give me numbers, percentages, specifics instead of simply "increase" or "grow."

that's a staggering number of opportunities for participation! Well done. The number benefitted seems comparatively low?

The return on your vouchers is also pretty amazing.

Marketing and Promotion: again, numbers here would have been helpful. Facebook followers? Website daily views? Email list size? These numbers are even more relevant when it doesn't appear that you're really spending a lot on traditional media (which I don't blame you for).

Exceptional accessibility narrative.



Klein Kathleen - Score: 86.000
Schnell Adam - Score: 87.000
Your efforts at community enrichment, diversity, and inclusion are to be applauded. Keep up the good work.