Scores and Comments

The Dance Now! Ensemble, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score464.000
Average Score92.800

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Andree Dale 37 29 20 10 96
Davis Tenaj 40 30 20 10 100
Jenkins David 37 25 19 9 90
Klein Kathleen 38 30 17 8 93
Schnell Adam 33 27 16 9 85


Andree Dale - Score: 96.000
The grant materials are excellent and articulate every aspect of their project clearly.This is a company that is committed to its mission and to realizing it.
Davis Tenaj - Score: 100.000
perfect example!
Jenkins David - Score: 90.000

Very well-written, clear, cogent, and enlightening narrative.

I am very excited to hear about the site-specific free performances and your artistic vision and passion behind them.

GREAT list of partnerships, and I applaud your inclusion across disciplines.

Solid specificity in how your organization directly impacts LH.

Clear evaluation plan.

This is a very solid proposal, one comment for you (and pretty much every other applicant) is just a suggestion to cite your support materials in the narrative to pique adjudicator interest and contextualize your narrative claims.

I love your website!

Klein Kathleen - Score: 93.000

Excellent company!

Collaborative efforts with other organizations

Fabulous press

Schnell Adam - Score: 85.000
While I applaud the efforts of this organization, this application lacked focus and clarity. I understand that you have many programs, but it was very difficult to figure out what the organization was all about. In this case detail, both within the application, and within the support materials, did not lend to understanding or readability. The first half of the application seemed also to have suffered from a lack of proofreading.