Scores and Comments

Ballet Flamenco La Rosa, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score440.000
Average Score88.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Andree Dale 37 30 20 7 94
Davis Tenaj 37 20 20 10 87
Jenkins David 36 24 16 9 85
Klein Kathleen 38 25 18 10 91
Schnell Adam 35 26 14 8 83


Andree Dale - Score: 94.000
I wasn't able to open the video of  al Corazon and the other video was highly edited so I didn't have the opportunity to see any choreographic development although the video was dynamic and very interesting. More could have been said about the company's approach to addressing Accessibility Access, which refers to the ADA requirements not the cultural makeup of their audience.  This is a very well administered company with quality performances and creative approaches
Davis Tenaj - Score: 87.000
Impact: The majority of the venues are small.How did you estimate the numbers of people attending?   
Jenkins David - Score: 85.000

Goals and objectives are combined into one listing, and do not include specific, measurable objectives. They read more like broad goals.

The Dracula program sounds very exciting!

I applaud the organization's long-standing history with international and cross-cultural collaborators.

Can you access or cultivate more specific data in terms of your economic impact?

In terms of marketing and promotion, it would really have helped me out to see more specificity in terms of your advertising reach, social media penetration, list sizes, and so on. Also more specificity in terms of how you are trying to reach those non-Hispanic audiences or audiences not already predisposed to attending a Flamenco event.

Congrats on 33 years of financial stability! That is a credit to your organization.

You do a great job of offering specific and measurable methods for evaluation.

I would have liked to see a note on what the sudden jump is credited to in revenue: other from this FY to next. That's a large change.

Wonderful job explaining your overall approach to community accessibility, but your narrative is not clear as to your ADA compliancy.



Klein Kathleen - Score: 91.000
Schnell Adam - Score: 83.000
I think is a very strong proposal. Your organization has a clear identity and a clear purpose. Where you lost a few points for me was in the fact that your project budget had almost zero detail. We want to know details as to how you are spending your money.