Scores and Comments

Ballet Etudes of South Florida, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score431.000
Average Score86.200

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Andree Dale 33 30 18 7 88
Davis Tenaj 37 28 20 10 95
Jenkins David 33 23 15 9 80
Klein Kathleen 36 26 18 10 90
Schnell Adam 31 24 15 8 78


Andree Dale - Score: 88.000
Is the company made up of students only outside of the guest artists?  Not totally clear.  questions about the budget - Artistic Director is listed under Administration - are the contracted revenue coming from performances, more thought needs to be put into Accessibility compliance, video is so edited it's difficult to see full engagement and quality of the dancers
Davis Tenaj - Score: 95.000

Excellence: How are ‘at risk’ youth identified?  

Excellence: Please tell us about the partnership that coordinates programs for tittle 1 schools.(the sentence cuts off)


Jenkins David - Score: 80.000

Very well-written narrative explaining your goals, objectives, and activities. I especially appreciate the narrative explaining your programs and how they specifically foster mentorship and life skills outside of the arts. And, hey, I love that you have an objective of selling out every single show! :)

Solid "measurables."

I would, however, look back over the criteria for the activities section. You address your specific activities in other parts of the narrative, I just think they could have been more plainly laid out there.

Your website appears to be offline? The URL you provided does not connect to a valid site.

I would like to see a plan for how you will reach more followers on social media. Am I reading that right that you reach 1,200 combined across all platforms?

How will you evaluate your overall programming and attempts to reach and engage with the community? Your evaluation plan seems to focus on the individual dancers only and organizationally?

Impact in terms of people benefitted seems low to me versus the amount requested.


Klein Kathleen - Score: 90.000


Schnell Adam - Score: 78.000
Please watch your proof reading. In the very first sentence of your proposal synopsis, there is a serious grammatical error. Your mission statement also has a major grammatical error in it. Also, where is your tuition income in the proposal budget? More detail on your outreach programs would be greatly appreciated. The "Cavalier" program sounds wonderful!