Scores and Comments

Lake Wales Charter Schools - Edward W. Bok Academy

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecial Category - Development
Request Amount
Total Score568.000
Average Score81.143

Panelist Scores

Panelist HistoricSignificance Endangerment ProjectProposal AdministrativeCapabilities FinancialResources Technicalresources Compatibility EducationalPotential EconomicBenefit PublicUse Total
Almy Marion 8 7 8 7 8 7 6 10 8 9 78
Birtman Stephen 8 8 6 8 8 8 7 8 9 8 78
Fleming Kathy A. 10 10 9 7 9 7 7 10 10 10 89
Gonzalez Rick 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 7 8 82
Phelps John 8 8 7 8 9 9 7 10 7 8 81
Smith Cliff 10 7 9 9 8 9 8 10 7 10 87
Ward Bob 8 5 8 6 5 8 8 9 6 10 73


Almy Marion - Score: 78.000
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Birtman Stephen - Score: 78.000
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Fleming Kathy A. - Score: 89.000

Tremendous preservation project, great re-use for a community education purpose. I love the conceptual value here. Do you have a historic preservation architect to guide you through the details.

Great luck with this powerful project. Restore not renovate. Different things.

Have a representative on line if you can't attend the hearing. That will help your scores. 

Gonzalez Rick - Score: 82.000
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Phelps John - Score: 81.000
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Smith Cliff - Score: 87.000
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Ward Bob - Score: 73.000
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