Scores and Comments

Jacksonville Public Library

Application Details

Proposal TypeLibrary Services and Technology Act -
Request Amount
Total Score1005.000
Average Score77.308

Panelist Scores

Panelist Score Total
Baker Barry 75 75
Baker Ray 80 80
Clark Craig 79 79
Collogan Jessica 60 60
Crane Doug 70 60
Hammill Sarah 83 88
Kalajian Sarabeth 83 83
Mayberry Charles 80 90
McCoy Michele 80 80
McNeese Statia 88 88
Plesner Cynthia 59 60
Schmucker Scott 75 72
Seeds Cathy 80 90


Baker Barry - Score: 75.000
{No comments provided.}
Baker Ray - Score: 80.000
{No comments provided.}
Clark Craig - Score: 79.000

Billboard expenses seem excessive, but I an not qualified to determine how they should advertise their program.


Full funding

Collogan Jessica - Score: 60.000
{No comments provided.}
Crane Doug - Score: 60.000
Increase project impact and project need by 5 points each to 25 for each.
Hammill Sarah - Score: 88.000

in G. 1. "$9,900 dollars will be spent on advertising with Daily Billboards"

in budget contractual services = 11,550 for billboard advertising - cash match not using grant funding for this.


full funding = $71,951 


Kalajian Sarabeth - Score: 83.000

Average Score = 76; Internet Safety Points = 0; Final Score = 76

Recommended Funding = $71,951

Mayberry Charles - Score: 90.000
{No comments provided.}
McCoy Michele - Score: 80.000

Billboard advertisement - seems unnecessary but is using match funds, not LSTA funds; is there a better way to reach intended audience? Ads on Twitter, SnapChat, Insta, etc.?

Is anyone else targeting this same audience for GED/TABE tests?

My Final: 80; 71,951



McNeese Statia - Score: 88.000
{No comments provided.}
Plesner Cynthia - Score: 60.000

Great Project!

Target Population seems low? How was this number obtained?

LEAP - Love this idea

Great outreach ideas

Additional statistics and demographics would help strengthen this application.

Will pre and post tests be paper-based or electronic? interesting idea

$11550 for billboards to only reach 540 people seems disproportionate - is there a rotation or schedule of when and where and times content will be displayed?

Is this overlap of any additional programs being offered? 


Schmucker Scott - Score: 72.000
{No comments provided.}
Seeds Cathy - Score: 90.000
{No comments provided.}