Scores and Comments

Crealde School of Art

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score460.000
Average Score92.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Canon Sara 33 25 17 9 84
Corporation Imagine 37 27 19 9 92
Crane Hyla 38 29 18 10 95
Schaeffler-Murphy K. Alison 40 30 19 10 99
Vickery Clare 38 28 16 8 90


Canon Sara - Score: 84.000
{No comments provided.}
Corporation Imagine - Score: 92.000
Expansive outreach covering 3 counties with programming and partnerships
Crane Hyla - Score: 95.000
{No comments provided.}
Schaeffler-Murphy K. Alison - Score: 99.000

Hard to read mission statement.  Shorter sentences would help :) 

Wonderfully written goals, objectives and activities timeline.  Awesome statement "dignify communities."

Transparency at its height.... mentioning of loss with explanation of why.

Crealde has a broad reach and impact for individuals and communities is fabulous. 

Vickery Clare - Score: 90.000
would be great to see more diversity served. but a well funded arts organization and application. shouldn't be a secret anymore!