Scores and Comments

The Armory Art Center, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score458.000
Average Score91.600

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Canon Sara 34 26 18 9 87
Corporation Imagine 38 28 19 9 94
Crane Hyla 38 28 20 9 95
Schaeffler-Murphy K. Alison 40 30 17 10 97
Vickery Clare 35 26 16 8 85


Canon Sara - Score: 87.000
{No comments provided.}
Corporation Imagine - Score: 94.000
Strong programming, strong reputation, comprehensive marketing
Crane Hyla - Score: 95.000
{No comments provided.}
Schaeffler-Murphy K. Alison - Score: 97.000

Really long mission statement...

Reviewing their catalog and other support materials really highlights the scope of their programming!

Timeline for goals and objectives was addressed in goal descriptions.  I liked the way they added timeline of when they would begin to work on that portion of their goals... 

They mention increasing public awareness which will involve increased marketing but they have dropped the projected marketing operating budget for next fiscal year. 

Plus the operating budget summary projections ($43,615) don't match the proposal budget ($115,899).

There are other areas on the projected budget that don't match the proposal budget too.  Confusing... this is a GPS.


Vickery Clare - Score: 85.000
budget?? Total project cost is more than the annual budget? Diversity