Scores and Comments

National Art Exhibitions of the Mentally Ill, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score422.000
Average Score84.400

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Canon Sara 26 25 19 10 80
Corporation Imagine 33 25 17 8 83
Crane Hyla 36 25 16 8 85
Schaeffler-Murphy K. Alison 33 26 18 8 85
Vickery Clare 38 28 15 8 89


Canon Sara - Score: 80.000
{No comments provided.}
Corporation Imagine - Score: 83.000
Outsider Women - mentally challenged opportuntity for expression.
Crane Hyla - Score: 85.000
{No comments provided.}
Schaeffler-Murphy K. Alison - Score: 85.000

Mission statement clearly written but exhibit seems to be already arranged.  Perhaps if there were an open call for artists through wider partnerships with mental health facilities... it is a sensitive subject.

Timeline could have included information about activities leading up to the exhibition.  The timeline description suggests that there will be new 30-40 new works of art created by international outsider artists but does not explain the process for selection, etc. Also does not describe activities to support impact numbers. (typo 2012 vs 2021 :0 )

Impact and engagement descriptions and information could have been more clearly stated. For instance, how will school and non-school based youth be engaged? What about female outsider artists from Florida? It would be great if the exhibition was shown throughout the State and it would therefore have more impact on their goal.  

It is unclear how the following statement will actually occur "The cohesion of art, mental health, and cultural activities enhances tourist appeal and strengthens the economic impact of this project in Florida by facilitating opportunities for innovative business partnerships and investments." 

Accessibility attempts are mentioned but has not yet performed the Abbreviated Accessibility Checklist. 

Support materials were minimal and unconvincing especially since the newspaper article and the catalog were basically the same.  A broader range of support materials would have been preferred. 

Extremely wordy application which made for hard reading and much deciphering on my part to glean applicable content.

Vickery Clare - Score: 89.000
Great organization. I'd love to see this exhibit shown in Broward County where there is also a strong series of medical based programs for artists with physical and mental challenges and art as therapy for those recovering from episodes. Great idea. Good attachments.