Scores and Comments

Tempus Projects, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score453.000
Average Score90.600

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Canon Sara 39 29 19 10 97
Corporation Imagine 36 24 16 8 84
Crane Hyla 38 25 17 7 87
Schaeffler-Murphy K. Alison 39 27 19 10 95
Vickery Clare 38 27 17 8 90


Canon Sara - Score: 97.000
{No comments provided.}
Corporation Imagine - Score: 84.000
Assist in developing the arts in a more visual way in Tampa.
Crane Hyla - Score: 87.000
{No comments provided.}
Schaeffler-Murphy K. Alison - Score: 95.000

Well written mission statement as well as clear, concise goals and objectives.

Robust exhibition calendar!

Fiscal sustainability through diversified income sources and fundraising.

Evaluation processes quite good but it was not clear on visitor surveys which suggest that Tempus Projects might not be aware of how much of an impact they are actually making on their constituency.

It's great to see interest in balanced board development. 

Quite impactful and impressive support materials as well as overall programming.

Vickery Clare - Score: 90.000
i like the goals and the board is smart and young. cool space and project.