Scores and Comments

Starting Right, Now

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score414.000
Average Score82.800

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Canon Sara 30 25 15 10 80
Corporation Imagine 36 27 18 9 90
Crane Hyla 35 25 15 5 80
Schaeffler-Murphy K. Alison 34 26 15 7 82
Vickery Clare 35 25 15 7 82


Canon Sara - Score: 80.000
{No comments provided.}
Corporation Imagine - Score: 90.000
Strong message with this project and teaming with Tampa Museum of Art.
Crane Hyla - Score: 80.000
Need more information on accessibility and attachments would help.
Schaeffler-Murphy K. Alison - Score: 82.000

Mission statement of not clearly stated.  Hard to determine whether programs support the mission.

Who wrote the grant, the artist?  I would think the grant would have been written by the non-profit organization...

Timeline is effective. 

Impact numbers are unclear.  Unsure of how the number of engaged individuals will involve children.  Through viewing the mural?  If that is the case then why not adults?  Or, if unaccompanied youth include children/youth 0 - 18 the impact numbers suggest the children are not in school.  It is noteworthy that there will be psych and sociology professionals overseeing the project; impact to homeless individuals is being tested too.  Sociological study? 

The Fiscal Condition and Sustainability essay better explains the goals and successes of the organization than the introductory paragraph. The Evaluation plans are better explained here too. Why the high personnel: programmatic expenses for the operating budget? 

Need more details on project budget pertaining to private support "Godby Foundation" and "Broderick Family Foundation" and why these sources are expected.  

Dialogue on accessibility policies, procedures, etc.?

Support materials lacking with one of the two not opening. 

Great in concept and it is good to see an arts and homelessness connection!  While the overall project is helpful toward building awareness of much needed concerns about the SRN students and displacement of individuals because of a private development.

One can't help but think that it could be more valuable for there to be more ownership and participation of the SRN students in the mural project beyond having their photographs taken.  With that in mind, it is not clear how much actual engagement will occur and whether impact will go beyond viewership and building much needed awareness of this crucial area of social concern.  

Vickery Clare - Score: 82.000
an exciting application and idea but absolutely no attachments or documentation of the proposed mural or letters of recommendation given the extensive board and funding?